Thanks. A lot of file IO goes on with this app. There are a couple of files
in particular that are held open for the life of the app and written to
sporadically. I am thinking that having the same code as two web apps would
lead to those files getting clobbered. Is there a way to make the 'same
appbase with 2 hosts' version work?
On Feb 19, 2013 5:57 PM, "André Warnier" <> wrote:

> Andrew Winter wrote:
>> I work on an intranet type application.  While on the local network calls
>> are made to regular http and authentication is not allowed due to a large
>> number of established services that call the server without providing
>> authentication.  However, the server accepts calls from the outside over
>> SSL (regular http port is blocked by firewall). In these cases the use of
>> basic authentication is required.  I don't see a way to have work like
>> this.  With our older setup we used Apache as a front end and had a
>> virtual
>> host file for each port.  One used https and basic auth and the other
>> didn't. Both pointed to the same web app.  Now I must send calls directly
>> to Tomcat as we are implementing asynchronous requests.  What can I do
>> here?
> Do the same as under httpd (except one thing) : use separate <Host>'s
> within the Tomcat configuration (same as <VirtualHost> under Apache).
> Deploy a separate copy of your webapps within each <Host>'s "appBase". In
> one <Host>, you protect them via Basic Auth, in the other <Host> you do not.
> Under Tomcat, it is not recommended to use the same "appBase" (roughly the
> same
> as Apache's "DocumentRoot") for two separate <Host>'s, because this
> creates problems of double deployment etc.  So use two separate sets of
> webapps.  They are still the same webapp, just deployed twice, in different
> locations.  Is that a problem for you ?
> Roughly (check the proper syntax on :
> server.xml :
> ....
>   <Engine ...>
>     <Host name="" appBase="/some/dir/number1" ..>
>        ...
>     </Host>
>     <Host name="" appBase="/some/dir/number2" ..>
>        ...
>     </Host>
> ...
> /some/dir/number1
>     |- ROOT/
>     |- webapp1
>     |- webapp2
> /some/dir/number2
>     |- ROOT/
>     |- webapp1
>     |- webapp2
> the 2 "webapp1" are the same (same code, same files,..) (*)
> the 2 "webapp2" are the same
> (*) actually, almost the same, since their WEB-INF/web.xml will be
> different : one has to be accessed via HTTPS and use Basic Auth, the other
> one not.
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