On 27.02.2013 12:16, André Warnier wrote:
> Hi. Before you do that, you may want to have another look at this page :
> http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/reference/apache.html
> and in particular the section at the end labeled : Using SetHandler and
> Environment Variables
> I use this way of configuring the proxy-ing of requests via mod_jk,
> rather than the JkMount and uriworkermap style, for some (purely
> personal) reasons :
> - it keeps things "in one place" (the httpd config file)
> - I believe that it "fits better" in the Apache httpd configuration
> style, allowing you to use the classical Apache <Location>,
> <LocationMatch> etc.. to decide which URLs are being proxied
> - I find it easier that way, to mentally see where and when what happens
> at the Apache level when you use mod_jk + Tomcat, as in fact an Apache
> "response handler".
> For example, in your case, you could set up the following section in
> Apache, to replace your external uri map :
> <LocationMatch "^\/(c|group|html|image|language|layouttpl|...)\/">
>   # in principle, for all those, pass them on to Tomcat..
>   SetHandler jakarta-servlet
>   SetEnv JK_WORKER_NAME liferay-1
>   # but for some subset, do not pass them on, and let Apache itself
> handle them
>   SetEnvIf REQUEST_URI (some condition) no-jk
>   ...
>   (set other filters, variables, headers, whatever)
>   ...
> </LocationMatch>
> Just so that you would know about it.

Thanks Andre, in my second recipe I forgot the "SetHandler jakarta-servlet".


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