
On 6.3.2013 15:14, Geett Chanddra Singha wrote:
Right? What about IPv4? Do you use it? Is it similar situation when you use
IPv4 (works only when you add "protocol" attribute)? Are you sure that IPv6
protocol is being used? Do you access your server using hostname or IP

Your are right, the same change works for IPv4 environment (i.e. RHEL)

(Sigh) So many questions, so few answers.

2. Your access to HTTP might be blocked due to:

a. Wrong URL (you must use port 8080)

b. Network/OS firewall (port 8080 is blocked) -- check with telnet 8080, does it work? Repeat the same using IPv6 address,
does it work?

c. Tomcat not starting on port 8080 -- check log files for entry 'INFO:
Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8080"]', are there any errors? If
log files look OK, and they have no errors, also check access log. Do you
see entry for requested URL there? What does it look like?
Since , the same change works for IPv4 environment (i.e. RHEL), we don't
have issues mentioned.

So I would like to know whether the change can be incorporated to
server.xml, if not please let me know solution/workaround.

In order to try to find the solution for your problem, we must first diagnose what exactly is the problem, and why can't you access Tomcat when there is no protocol attribute specified in the connector.

Adding attribute protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol" to HTTP connector would only make a difference if you have APR/native connector installed (perhaps faulty). Did you install it?

That is why I would like to see your Tomcat startup logs WITH and WITHOUT protocol attribute. We are looking for something like this:

  Mar 01, 2013 01:02:03 AM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
  INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-apr/bio-8080"]

Could you please provide log contents for both cases.


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