Thanks Ognjen! for your debugging tips.

I shall provide you information.

My apologies for not providing enough information to you.
Next time I shall come up with more information :)

On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 2:22 AM, Ognjen Blagojevic <> wrote:

> Geett,
> On 6.3.2013 15:14, Geett Chanddra Singha wrote:
>> Right? What about IPv4? Do you use it? Is it similar situation when you
>> use
>> IPv4 (works only when you add "protocol" attribute)? Are you sure that
>> IPv6
>> protocol is being used? Do you access your server using hostname or IP
>> address?
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ----------------
>> Your are right, the same change works for IPv4 environment (i.e. RHEL)
> (Sigh) So many questions, so few answers.
>  2. Your access to HTTP might be blocked due to:
>> a. Wrong URL (you must use port 8080)
>> b. Network/OS firewall (port 8080 is blocked) -- check with telnet
>> 8080, does it work? Repeat the same using IPv6
>> address,
>> does it work?
>> c. Tomcat not starting on port 8080 -- check log files for entry 'INFO:
>> Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8080"]', are there any errors? If
>> log files look OK, and they have no errors, also check access log. Do you
>> see entry for requested URL there? What does it look like?
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>> ---------------
>> Since , the same change works for IPv4 environment (i.e. RHEL), we don't
>> have issues mentioned.
>> So I would like to know whether the change can be incorporated to
>> server.xml, if not please let me know solution/workaround.
> In order to try to find the solution for your problem, we must first
> diagnose what exactly is the problem, and why can't you access Tomcat when
> there is no protocol attribute specified in the connector.
> Adding attribute protocol="org.apache.coyote.**http11.Http11Protocol" to
> HTTP connector would only make a difference if you have APR/native
> connector installed (perhaps faulty). Did you install it?
> That is why I would like to see your Tomcat startup logs WITH and WITHOUT
> protocol attribute. We are looking for something like this:
>   Mar 01, 2013 01:02:03 AM org.apache.coyote.**AbstractProtocol start
>   INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-apr/bio-8080"]
> Could you please provide log contents for both cases.
> -Ognjen
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**---------
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Thanks & Regards
Geett Chanddra Singha

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