On Mar 14, 2013, at 4:25 PM, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:

> 2013/3/15 Nick Williams <nicho...@nicholaswilliams.net>:
>> On Mar 14, 2013, at 2:56 PM, Nick Williams wrote:
>>> Using a variety of tutorials I found online and the documentation for 
>>> o.a.c.startup.Tomcat, I created the following main method to start up an 
>>> embedded Tomcat. I'm using 7.0.37 Tomcat JARs.
>>>   public static void main(String... arguments) throws Exception
>>>   {
>>>       Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat();
>>>       tomcat.setBaseDir(".basedir");
>>>       tomcat.setPort(8973);
>>>       tomcat.enableNaming();
>>>       tomcat.init();
>>>       tomcat.start();
>>>       System.out.println("X: " + 
>>> tomcat.getConnector().getService().getContainer());
>>>       tomcat.getServer().await();
>>>   }
>>> The System.out.println is for debugging purposes, because I'm getting a 
>>> NullPointerException. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, because about an 
>>> hour of Googling turned up precisely zero results of anyone who's getting a 
>>> NullPointerException in MapperListener#findDefaultHost. For some reason, it 
>>> looks like a Container is never created. What gives? Here's the full output 
>>> of running the JAR file:
> Why do you expect that default "Host" exist, if you have not created
> one, nor asked for one, nor deployed a web application,  all of them
> auto-create it if it is missing.
> There may be different implementations of a Host. It needs
> configuration (name). Thus initially there is none created.
> Calling tomcat.getHost() should be enough.
> Note, that Tomcat needs a default web application (aka context with
> path "", aka ROOT) for certain features (error reporting) to work
> properly.

I understand what I was doing wrong, now. I was trying to take any web 
application errors out of the picture so that I could solve any other problems 
I was having first. I didn't realize that you couldn't start normally if you 
didn't have any applications to deploy, so I was actually causing more problems 
by removing the adding of my web application.

I don't need tomcat.getService().setContainer(tomcat.getEngine()) anymore now 
that I'm calling addWebapp on a proper web application.

Mark, my application successfully deploys to the ROOT context in the embedded 
Tomcat and a test servlet (/healthCheck) starts up properly and requests to it 
resolve properly. However, my WebSocket endpoints were not working. I was 
getting 404 errors for any requests to them. It tracked it down to missing 
service providers. The following files are missing from the 
org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-core artifact:


When I added those to my uber-jar embedded JAR file, WebSockets started working 
properly. So, looks like something about the way that artifact is built is 
omitting those files accidentally. I can file a bug about this if you need me 
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