Hey André,

> According to vmtools the server is boring most times.. 

>What do you mean, "boring" ? (like German "langweilig" ?).
--> Jep prety idle.. :-)
>If you have 2000+ connections there in one state or another, that should >mean 
>that the 
>system is usually pretty busy, I would think.  On my production machines > 
>(vSphere VM's, 
>Linux, Apache+Tomcat, +database), some of them pretty busy, I never see >more 
>than 200-300 
>connections with netstat. That is all states together, with "netstat -t ->pan 
>| wc -l").
>Granted, I am not running Yahoo or Facebook, but still, these are public 
>>Internet servers, 
>fairly sollicited. 
> I almost totally agree, but I'm not sure if it is a AJP fault. Because >most 
> time everything is alright, so all of theses steps are done. Just >sometimes 
> after a arbitrarily amount of time ajp / tomcat runs crazy. And >in my sample 
> there is the sourceport 9009 / java.  It looks for me that >apache didn't 
> received the ACK from tomcat after CLOSE_WAIT or it just >don't care because 
> apache thought this connections is already closed?  >Let's assume that is the 
> case.. Isn't there a option to tell tomcat to wait >max. time for a response 
> and after that time kill the connection? As far as >I understand 
> connectionTimeout is just for the initial request, so after >Apache did 
> answer in first correctly connectionTimeout is valueless?
>Let's look at the various options in the Connector :

>First, the "-1" in some options means "unlimited" or "forever", it doesn't 
>>mean "disabled".
>Second, some parameters say that if they are not specified, they default to 
>>the value of 
>another parameter, so you should check really what this other parameter is 
>>set to.

According to Tomcat Configuration Reference 5.5 :


The number of milliseconds during which the sockets used by this Connector will 
linger when they are closed. The default value is -1 (socket linger is 

According to Tomcat Configuration Reference 7.0.37 :


The number of seconds during which the sockets used by this Connector will 
linger when they are closed. If not specified, the JVM default will be used.

As I'm at 7.0.37 I have to figure out where an how to set linger options at the 

> I'll have a look.


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