In this situation are both server exposed - Apache Server and Apache Tomcat. It can work.

When you use reverse proxy only the Apache Server is exposed. So configuring a ssl certificate is only done once. On client computer/network there could be allowed only the standard http port 80 and not 8080.

Depends on situation ...

Thanks to some advice on this forum, and a lot of independent study and 
experimentation, I have a php app on
apache (localhost:80) pulling in a database driven bar code from a IDAutomation 
Servlet running on tomcat

Looks like this -

        $bcode = $row['Bar Code'] ;
        $beginurl = "<img 
        $endurl = "&BAR_HEIGHT=.5&S=UPCA'>";
        echo $beginurl . $bcode . $endurl;

Steve Spence, KK4HFJ

  -------Original Message-------
  From: Jan Vávra <>
  To: Tomcat Users List <>
  Subject: Re: configyuring tomcat7 with apache 2.2.22
  Sent: Mar 15 '13 07:43
    I take care about an app that is a combination of Apache Server+php
  Drupal app and Apache Tomcat jsp app.
    Apache Server listens on the ports 80/443 and requests are reverse
  proxied to Apache Tomcat.
Let's say that the tomcat app resides on/testca
    The apache server config will be
ProxyRequests Off
     ProxyPass /testca ajp://
     ProxyPassReverse /testca ajp://
<Proxy /testca/WEB-INF>
           Order Deny,Allow
           Deny from All
<Proxy /testca>
           Order Deny,Allow
           Allow from All
and check if ajp module is loaded:
  LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
In the Apache Tomcat's server.xml change ajp port to 9081
    <Connector port="9081" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />
On WinXP there should be no problem. I personally develop on Win 7,
  production is Linux.
Jan. > Although not a newbie to building websites in html and php, and physical computing in C/C++, I'm having a
dickens of a
  > time understanding the documentation of Integrating Tomcat 7 with my 
existing Apache 2.2.22 on WinXP
  > supplied development pc, nothing I can do about that). Can I get a bit of 
handholding please?
  > I'm trying to evaluate a java servlet that requires tomcat.
  > Steve Spence, KK4HFJ
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