Patrick if client and tc-server are on same about implementing 
Windows Authentication in TC?
When client authenticates to the Domain all of the TC shares are restored 
(including TC share)

HTHMartin ______________________________________________ disclaimer here...

 > From:
> To:
> Subject: Upgrading Tomcat in the customer base
> Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 15:24:07 -0400
> Hi,
> We deploy tomcat in our own folder (c:\rsi_tc\tomcat) on a WIndows  
> machine as a service. We use the service.bat to install
> as a service. Historically to update tomcat we would remove the  
> current version and install the new version. There is rub in all
> this which we have to change the service login to be an account that  
> can access files from a network share. Therefore when
> we upgrade tomcat, we remove the current version and install the new  
> version and then someone ( the customer :-(  ) has to
> go into the service and change the service login back to the account  
> that will give them access to the network share.
> I'm looking for a way (if possible) to avoid having the customer to  
> have change the service login. I'm looking for suggestions
> to make this easier and have the following questions about whether  
> some of my thoughts to make it easier are safe.
> 1. Can I *not* uninstall the service and just replace the folder  
> structure on the file system with the new version? I have tried it
>      and it seems to work but question whether or not it is safe. I  
> know if a major version changes I cannot do this as the service
>      calls tomcat6.exe vs tomcat7.exe for instance and therefore would  
> have to do the complete uninstall/install.
> 2. If I do the above does calling the "service.bat install" again  
> using the *newer* service.bat version make a difference? We are  
> calling it (the newer service.bat)
>      and it seems to be harmless and thought that it might help in  
> case something in the batch install changed, we would get the changes.
> Bottom line, has anyone faced this dilemma and found a successful way  
> to upgrade a tomcat instance that uses a unique service login.
> Thanks for any input.
> Pat
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