Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Jeffrey Janner [] Subject: RE: [a bit, but not totally OT] Tomcat Behavior on Multiple HTTP requests from same browser

You would need a fairly large, and well-disciplined team of pigeons to
do that though. I don't think that this was a good metaphor, You should
have chosen a bigger bird and/or a smaller load. Eagles and tennis
balls maybe ?

Or swallows and coconuts.

Someone had to bring that up.  African or European?

I think we can remove the "not" from the subject line now...

This all reminds me of this (locally) well-known Belgian bird : the oye-oye-oye 
For those who don't know the species :
It is a very strong, sturdy bird. Rather bad-tempered too, you shouldn't mess 
with it.
It is a bit the bird-equivalent of the Belgian horse really.
It has a big round head, with a strong beak, say oh a good 5 inches wide and 7 inches long. A really strong beak, he can crush nuts or bones with it. Then it has very strong wings too, strong enough to lift a small sheep for instance (or a bowling ball for that matter).
And tough feathers, you can make brooms with them.
And also rather short, but very strong sturdy legs; like 2 inches thick and 2 
inches long.
And then its balls, no kidding, they are the size of coconuts.
And each time it lands, it goes "oye oye oye".

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