I have a web-app that uses a servlet for downloading files from a
repository--PDF, Office, images, zip, etc. It works with desktop
browsers--IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari--on their various platforms. It
also works fine with Firefox from Android (2.3 and 4.x tested). However
when I try with Android's default WebKit browser, the servlet fails
immediately with org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException (so
says the stderr log).

The servlet is sending proper headers, including the correct MIME type,
Content-Disposition attachment, file size, etc. I even took to adding the
file's name as the last GET parameter. No dice.

Safari on iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch also fail. Although I don't have one
with me at this moment to test, I suspect their failure is also caused by a
ClientAbortException: Safari is also WebKit and *I've Google'd numerous
complaints about this exception when using mobile WebKit browsers*. While I
can tell Android users to try Firefox, there is no Firefox for iPhone.

I'm expecting a file to open in a local viewer app, like Acrobat Reader,
QuickOffice, Pages, etc. I can open files in these apps via Firefox, an
email client, or via the WebKit browser when viewing a directory listing in
my public_html directories and similar locations.

I suspect this is a problem with mobile WebKit, and that circumventing the
abort might be a "bad thing" even if it's possible. However I thought I'd
inquire here if there is a Tomcat way around it. If not, it seems my
alternatives are (1) use Java Mail to mail the user the file, since mail
apps open their attachments; and (2) write iOS and Android apps file query
and downloading. Neither prospect thrills me.


"Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscrib'd In one self-place; but where we
are is hell, And where hell is, there must we ever be" --Christopher
Marlowe, *Doctor Faustus* (v, 121-24)

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