My system has several instances of TC 7.0.22, running on windows server 2008 R2, and JRE 6.0.27. And yes, I know both TC and Java could use an update...

The TC instances are all running the same webapp, as a Windows service, though not all have the exact same version of the webapp. Each is running from its own catalina.base directory, but all have the same catalina.home. Each instance is listening on a different TCP port, and everything is working fine, handling several hundred requests per second.

What I'd like to do is develop an easier way of monitoring each instance than what I have now. In particular, I'd like to get visibility to a couple of the webapp's internal variables (they're counters), as well as being able to stop and restart the instances if necessary. My current method is that the app has a browser page that I can log into and see the variables of interest, and I use tomcat7w to control the service instances. Of course, that requires me to log into each one of them individually to check on them. That requirement for separate logins is what I'd like to eliminate if possible.

Is this even remotely doable from (ideally) another webapp running on the same server, or maybe an external non-browser app? Or am I just dreaming? Can JMX allow me to see internal application variables and control services?

Thanks for any suggestions!

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