thx for investigation,
apart from I have also sent previous post with
attachments to


On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Mark Thomas <> wrote:

> On 21/04/2013 13:57, Jakub 1983 wrote:
> > Mark,
> > sorry I didn't reply so long, but my previous tomcat was messed with
> > tests and many attempts, now I did everything from start with clean
> > tomcat installation and confirm context xml disappears.
> >
> > steps to reproduce
> >
> > 1) make dir  C:\tomcat_test
> > 2) download and unpack it in C:\tomcat_test
> The list strips attachments but there is enough information for me to
> reproduce the behaviour with a simple webapp. (The moral here is that
> you should aim to reproduce any problem you report with as simple a
> webapp as possible. A 5 line JSP and a 3 line context.xml file is all
> that is needed for this issue.)
> > 3) in C:\tomcat_test unpack attached jdbc.7z
> > 4) start tomcat with startup.bat
> > 4) in c:\tomcat_test\jdbc> call ant deploy-war
> OK. That copies the WAR file to the appBase of a running Tomcat instance
> so with the default config it will be unpacked and deployed.
> > 5) open http://localhost:8080/jdbc/select.jsp result is:
> > org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP
> > page /select.jsp at line 22 .....
> > root cause
> > javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name
> > [jdbc/Test] is not bound in this Context. Unable to find [jdbc].
> > 6) into C:\tomcat_test\apache-tomcat-7.0.39\conf\Catalina\localhost
> > insert attached jdbc.xml
> OK. That will have no effect as although Tomcat sees the new file it
> does not redploy the webapp (arguably it should at this point - I'll
> look into that).
> > 7) close tomcat console
> > 8) start tomcat with startup.bat
> That causes Tomcat to deploy the webapp using the context.xml file.
> > 9) again open result is OK, config works fine, error is caused by lack
> > of h2 jar (org.apache.jasper.JasperException:
> > javax.servlet.ServletException:
> > org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot load JDBC driver
> > class 'org.h2.Driver')
> > 10) now in notepad++ open
> > C:\tomcat_test\jdbc\src\main\webapp\select.jsp, change title to
> > <title>Simple jsp page 2</t>
> > 11) as in 4) in c:\tomcat_test\jdbc> call ant deploy-war
> > jdbc.xml disappeared from
> This is the interesting bit. I do see the context.xml file being deleted.
> I'm not sure if this is the correct behaviour or not. There are a lot of
> variables when looking at auto-deployment. I have been meaning to sit
> down and document all the possible combinations. This might be the time
> to do that.
> Mark
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