
On 15.5.2013 13:42, Anil Goyal -X (anigoyal - Aricent Technologies at Cisco) wrote:
We are using tomcat version 7.0.25 and in server.xml, we have two connector 
port defined:80 (http)and 443(https).
In /etc/sysconfig/iptables, we have redirect logic written that will redirect 
the request coming at port 8080 to port 80, and request coming at port 8443 to 
-A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 443
-A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 80

Your configuration is a bit unusual. You have Tomcat running on port 80, but you add prerouting rule to iptables, so that Tomcat will also respond to port 8080, right? Would you explain what is your motivation for such configuration?

Now when I hit the url 'http://request-uri:8080/context, then I am getting the 
desire response. I have below query:

1.       Will the request firstly go to iptables before tomcat ?


2.       If request firstly go to iptable then it check that 8080 is redirect 
to port 80 then url change to 'http://request-uri:80/context' and it then land 
to tomcat and tomcat respond to it. Now in tomcat access logs, the requesting 
port corresponding to this request is 8080. So why it is 8080 in tomcat access 
logs.? Please revert on this. I think because iptables redirect 8080 to 80 so 
tomcat receives the request at port 80 so in tomcat access logs, requestiong 
port should be 80.

Iptables will not change the URL. Iptables merely redirects all packets received on port 8080 to port 80. It will not alter the contents of the packets. Therefore, Tomcat will receive your HTTP request as it is sent by your browser -- which means it will contain port 8080 and not port 80. Tomcat processes the requests and logs the port as it is received, and that is 8080.

BTW, AccessLogValve does not log port by default, I assume you are using your own logging pattern.


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