On 20/06/2013 19:22, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Bernd,
> On 6/20/13 12:45 PM, Lentes, Bernd wrote:
>> i'm fairly new to tomcat. We have a SLES 10 SP4 64bit host, running
>>  Tomcat 5.5, which was provided as a rpm from the distributor. Our
>>  developers need now a more current version, 6 or prefered 7. I 
>> didn't find rpm's for these versions for my OS. So i have to
>> install the binary version from the tomcat web page.
> You should complain to RedHat. It's embarrassing that so many
> distributions are still holding on to Tomcat 5.5 and not supporting
> newer versions.
> There's no really good reason to upgrade to Tomcat 6. Going from Tomcat
> 5.5 -> 7.0 should not represent too much of a challenge.
>> I read that patches concerning security vulnerabilities are not 
>> provided for the binary version.
> The Apache Tomcat team does not release patches at all... instead, new
> versions are released with the patches included. This includes both
> source and binary bundles.
>> My question: what do i have to do if i read that version x.x has a 
>> security vulnerability which is closed by version x.y ?
> Upgrade, if you need to. Some vulnerabilities are only present under
> certain configurations, etc.
>> Just install the new version over the old one ?
> I would not recommend installing a new version "on top of" an old one.
> See below.
>> Uninstalling the old one before ? What is about my webapps ? Are
>> they gone with the installation of the new version ?
> Since you are going through this process, I highly recommend that you
> start thinking about using a "split install" where Tomcat itself is
> installed one place and your webapp is installed elsewhere. To do
> this, you set the CATALINA_HOME environment variable to point to your
> Tomcat installation, and set CATALINA_BASE to where your webapp is
> installed. See the RUNNING.txt file in the root of Tomcat's
> installation for details -- you are looking for the section titled
> "Advanced Configuration - Multiple Tomcat Instances".
> Once you have set up the environment for CATALINA_HOME/CATALINA_BASE,
> it's fairly simple to upgrade to a new version of Tomcat:
> 1. Install the new version for example into /opt/apache-tomcat-x.y.z
> 2. Re-customize /opt/apache-tomcat-x.y.z/conf/server.xml to include
> any customizations you have made (usually just <Connector> elements,
> perhaps clustering, etc.)

Um, no. server.xml should be in $CATALINA_BASE/conf


> 3. Change CATALINA_HOME to /opt/apache-x.y.z
> 4. Re-start Tomcat
> If you are upgrading from x.y.z -> x.y.w (that is, a point-release),
> you may be able to replace step #2 above with simply copying the
> existing server.xml to the new CATALINA_HOME. YOU MUST NOT DO THIS
> BETWEEN MAJOR RELEASES: server.xml changes significantly (mostly class
> names) between major releases. You need to start from scratch with
> each one.
> One of the many advantages of the above technique (i.e. using
> CATALINA_BASE) is that rolling-back to a previous Tomcat version is
> trivial: simply change CATALINA_HOME to point to the old release and
> restart Tomcat. You'll be back where you started.
> -chris
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