Howard W. Smith, Jr. wrote:
On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Pierre Goupil <>wrote:

Regarding browser support, a framework like Atmosphere handles pretty well
having WebSockets when they are available and falling-back to another Comet
implementation (such as long-polling or http-streaming) when they are not.

agreed, but I think the goal/desire, here, is to not use Atmosphere.

Correct.  In truth, we're not sure that we want to use Tomcat either.
We're still one level remote of thinking of any implementation, and trying to 
1) how exactly websockets works
2) if that general "technology" is, today, sufficently mature and stable for us to develop an application based on it, or we should wait another 6 months, a year,..

We know that there are a series of "web application frameworks" which support websockets. Unfortunately, these are not frameworks which we are using right now, and we don't really want to change our tools in the middle of the river.
We also know that there are a number of organisations which already use it in 
But we are a small outfit, and the fact that Google may be using it (with a backup team of 50 developers to shore up their implementation) does not really help us.

The reason why I put this question on the Tomcat users list is because it is a list I'm subscribed to, because I know that it is a good-quality list with little "noise", because I know that Mark and Rainer are - to various degrees probably - involved in Tomcat support for websockets. So I figured that there was some solid knowledge of the protocol available here. I am also on the Apache httpd list, and I've done some searches on the WWW in general, and for the moment the general information available on websockets seems otherwise a bit "scarce".

This being said, the information already gathered here on this list tends to vindicate my posting on it. It has already cleared up a number of points for us, and added a couple of questions which we did not think of asking. Thanks.

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