Comments mostly inline.

Lots at the end - channeling James Fenimore Cooper.

On 7/11/2013 3:26 PM, Mark Eggers wrote:
On 7/11/2013 3:06 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: john Matlock [] Subject: Re:
Moving Tomcat to work externally.

Remove the ROOT directory from Tomcat's webapps directory,
replacing it with your webapp renamed to ROOT.war (or, if it's
already an expanded .war file, put it in the ROOT directory under

Do I understand that you are telling me to put the whole web
application into the webapps/ROOT directory?

That's what the ROOT webapp is for - it's the default webapp.  If the
application is packaged as a .war file, just copy it to
webapps/ROOT.war, and delete the existing ROOT directory.

That's a couple of hundred pages and several sub-directories just
for the main application.

Why is that relevant?

And I have to move another half dozen applications to Tomcat as

Define applications. From my quick reading of the railo documentation,
you can different scenarios

1. one railo administrator and one application (site ?) per
2. one railo administrator and multiple applications (sites ?)

The first is easy to set up, but it will probably be memory-expensive.

The second is more complex to set up, and once again the railo
documentation really advocates some practices that not good practices.

Never mind. Railo sets up each application in its own <Host> (at least from the examples).

You could run multiple railo applications in one <Host>. You would just copy railo.war to appname.war and place it in your webapps directory.

If your applications are organized properly, that is each in their
own subdirectory under a common directory, with nothing but the
webapps under the common directory, then just change the appBase
attribute in the <Host> element to point there.  Your default webapp
must still be named ROOT (case sensitive).

Further these are almost all dynamic pages, and I may be incorrect,
but I've read that .war files can only contain static web pages.

You're definitely reading garbage somewhere.  If that were the case,
there would be no reason to have anything other than a standard web
server, such as httpd.  A .war file will normally contain a
collection of servlets, JSPs, static pages, configuration files, and
any other resources needed by the webapp.

These are all in ColdFusion.

This is almost exactly but not quite like JSF. It's more like PHP, or various tag libraries with JSP.

In short, WAR files can happily serve dynamic content. Actually, the files get processed on the server and the resulting HTML gets sent to the client.

How a .war file or webapp was created is also not relevant, once it

Is my understanding incorrect, and somehow this can connect to
Railo to handle the database interaction?

It looks like railo manages its own database connections. So if the
railo infrastructure is there, the connections should work.

I have no idea about Railo, but Mark E did a pretty good job of
explaining how to make it work.

Thanks. With the latest message (I'm writing a reply to it as well),
there are some wrinkles. These are all due to the way railo is written.

For multiple web applications using the same railo administrator, set up
and configuration will get a bit messy (as in not best practices messy).

What URL did you try to use?

It looks like the current site isn't running.

That's not a complete URL, since you're missing the scheme (usually
http).  Assuming you are using http (not https), you'll be sending a
request for the default webapp's welcome page to port 80 at whatever
IP address the client machine evaluates as.
Verify that the client can resolve into the IP
address you expect.  Since you have nothing after the domain name,
you must have a ROOT webapp deployed in order to get a response.

What port is specified in server.xml?

80 -- localhost:80 works, localhost:8080 doesn't.

Ok, that's good.

Is there a firewall blocking that port?

There's a hole in the firewall to let page requests through to the
on-line server.

Register the DNS name for your server with your DNS providers.

This site is about 17 years old with several million home page
hits.  I think it is registered.

But it sounds like you're expecting requests to magically appear at
the new server when the old one is still running.  If that's not the
case, you need to tell us how they're differentiated.

- Chuck

. . . . more later

There are several other fun issues involved.

A. Railo applications expect a file system.

Railo writes logs to a subdirectory within the application (by default). It writes configuration files to a subdirectory within the application (by default).

You must run with unPackWARs set to true (this is the default).

B. Lots of JARs

If you run multiple Railo applications on one server, you may run into memory issues. Here are some solutions.

a. More memory - memory is relatively cheap
b. Move the JARS from WEB-INF/lib into %CATALINA_HOME%\lib
   1. this is not a really good idea
   2. makes Tomcat upgrades difficult
   3. makes piecemeal updates of railo difficult
   1. Read RUNNING.txt
   2. Run one customized Tomcat per application (see b. above)
   3. You'll need one network address per host
d. Run the application outside of Tomcat and add more memory
   1. see below for a detailed explanation
   2. this is probably the easiest way to proceed

C. Application deployment

Railo recommends just dropping your CFM files into the appropriate directory. This means that your WAR file gets out of sync with your application directory. It's going to do that anyway since railo by default writes stuff into the web application directory.

Probably the best way to handle this mess is the following. It is a bit more complex, but does address railo's way of handling things. It's also a good idea since railo / Windows holds open some files, so you cannot cleanly undeploy a railo application.

1. Create an applications directory

This is where you're going to store all of the exploded WAR files for your applications. Let's call it c:\cfmapps

Make sure that the user running Tomcat has the following Windows permissions:

Read & execute
List folder contents
Modify (most likely)

2. Copy the applications to directories underneath c:\cfmapps

If it's the base railo WAR file, make sure to explode it. From above railo requires a file system.

Now you should have something like the following:

  +-- app1
  +-- app2
  +-- app3

etc., etc., etc.

3. Create a context file for each application

a. Name the file according to the URL you want your application to be
   referenced at
   i. app1.xml would reference http://host-name/app1
   ii. app2.xml would reference http://host-name/app2
   iii. ROOT.xml would reference http://host-name/
   iv. see

b. Inside the xml file put:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context antiJARLocking="true" docBase="path-to-directory"/>

For example, app1.xml might contain:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context antiJARLocking="true" docBase="c:\cfmapps\app1"/>

c. Place this file inside of %CATALINA%_HOME%\conf\Catalina\localhost

%CATALINA_HOME% is where you've installed Tomcat.

Note that the directory name does not have to match the application name. I just do that to make tracking easier.

This will make upgrading Tomcat easier.
This will make upgrading your applications easier.
This will make modifying your applications easier.
This will make undeploying your applications easier.

. . . . just my nickel

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