Jerry Lampi wrote:
When we switched from tomcat 6.0.35 to 6.0.36, the initial load of our sign
on page became extremely slow.  In 6.0.35, it would load in about 2
seconds; in 6.0.36, it loads in about 60 seconds.

Our environment is an IBM mainframe running z/OS.  Tomcat runs under USS
(Unix System Services).  The JVM version is java version "1.6.0" Java(TM)
SE Runtime Environment (build pmz3160sr13-20130207_01(SR13)).

When we remove the protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
from the server.xml, the page loads in about 2 seconds -- the same a tomcat
version 6.0.35.

So I have narrowed this down to one configuration change.  We need to have
NIO enabled, as we use Netty to do some of our IO; therefore, leaving the
option disabled is not possible for us.

I ran Wireshark against 6.0.35 and 6.0.36 with NIO enabled hoping to see a
large discrepancy in the number of packets sent, but the packet counts were
very similar.

I ran Fiddler and did see that files over 50KB in size were the slow ones;
oddly, jar files (we have a swing applet on our sign on page) that were
much larger than the slower .gif and .js files, were served very quickly.

I am not sure how to proceed.

I have no idea of the problem, but just to facilitate the work of someone who might have an idea :

1) can you provide the configuration snippet of your NIO <Connector> ?
(paste it here in the text, don't send it as attachment.)

2) so if you remove (comment-out) from your login page the references to images and css files, then it loads quickly, is that right ?

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