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On 7/22/13 3:11 PM, honyk wrote:
> I am reusing my recent thread of not related subject with some
> updates...
> On 2013-06-28 Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> On 6/27/13 5:17 PM, honyk wrote:
>>> On 2013-06-27 Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>>> On 6/27/13 4:31 PM, honyk wrote:
>>>>> I am constantly encountering PermGen errors despite quite
>>>>> high PermGen limit (even 512m) and many options set -
>>>>> approx once a week under not heavy load.
>>>> Like what kinds of options? What kind of load? What does the 
>>>> error look like? Are you re-deploying your webapp without 
>>>> restarting Tomcat, or do you bust PermGen even with a single 
>>>> deployment?
>>> Tomcat runs as service using these Java opts (tomcat7w.exe) - 
>>> single line
>>> -Duser.language=en -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC 
>>> -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled
>>> Originally I used Apache JkMount/Worker to hide that port
>>> number. In that case there were listed these errors in the
>>> tomcat err log: Exception in thread "ajp-bio-8009-exec-7" 
>>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
>> I recommend that you run with -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
>> and possibly also with -XX:HeapDumpPath=[path to where you want
>> your heap dumps to go]. If/when your service busts PermGen, you
>> should be able to inspect the dump and see what all the
>> java.lang.Class objects are. I suppose it's possible that you
>> have a lot of intern'd String objects as well (if you are on Java
>> 1.6 or lower... you didn't say), but it's usually java.lang.Class
>> objects.
>>> Now I use proxypass like this (hoping this is preffered way): 
>>> ProxyPass /my-app ajp://localhost:8009/my-app
>>> and in this case I can see just Exception in thread 
>>> "ajp-bio-8009-exec-4" without any details (but I suppose it is
>>> the same PermGen one)
> I've set that recommended options, but when that
> 'ajp-bio-8009-exec-NN' exception is thrown (recorded in the tomcat
> err log), no heap dump is created in the specified (and existing)
> folder: -XX:HeapDumpPath=C:\DataStorage\tomcat-heap-dump

What was the original thread's subject line? It's hard to get the
context of your question from what you have included, here. Remember,
nobody is paying as close attention to your problem as you are...

> In the Apache webserver log there are just consequences of the
> tomcat/thread failure:
> [Fri Jul 12 10:50:34 2013] [error] (OS 10060)A connection attempt
> failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a
> period of time, or established connection failed because connected
> host has failed to respond.  : ajp_ilink_receive() can't receive
> header [Fri Jul 12 10:50:34 2013] [error] ajp_read_header:
> ajp_ilink_receive failed [Fri Jul 12 10:50:34 2013] [error]
> (70007)The timeout specified has expired: proxy: read response
> failed from (localhost) ... and repeating ...
> Is there any log from where that 'Exception in thread ajp-bio...'
> can be analyzed?
> Is is tomcat related or rather webserver/connector related
> problem?

If you are busting PermGen then your JVM process will almost certainly
suffer catastrophic failures. You will need to restart your JVM in
order to recover properly.

- -chris
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