We are currently experimenting with deploying all of our web-based services as 
executable wars created by the tomcat7-maven-plugin's "exec-war" goal. Our 
deployment format is RPM, so we wrapped this exec-war into some standard linux 
service and packaged everything as an RPM. So far, we really like the 
simplicity of this process compared to what we used to do before, namely 
deploying war files into a regular tomcat container. We do not want to go back 

The one nagging problem we face, though, is that so far we have not been able 
to gracefully shutdown our running tomcat service. The only thing that "works" 
for us is "kill –9". It goes without saying that this is not something you 
should do in production.

We tried two alternatives:

  1.  Tried to gracefully shutdown tomcat exec-war by sending its process the 
SIGINT signal ("kill –2 ${tomcatpid}). According to our researches, this should 
be equivalent to a CTRL-C in the console (which we do not have in production). 
Alas, tomcat exec-war seems to ignore this.
  2.  Since our exec-war uses a custom server.xml, we expected it to open 
tomcat's well-known shutdown port. If we start tomcat with debug logging turned 
on, we actually see that Digester, when parsing our server.xml, creates a 
StandardServer with shutdown port 8505. A "netstat –tulpn | grep 8505" before 
starting tomcat exe-war confirms that this port is available. However, after 
tomcat exec-war has started nothing listens on this port. So this approach has 
failed for us, too.

So my question is: is there a way to gracefully shutdown a running tomcat7 
executable war as built by the tomcat7-maven-plugin-2.1? If yes, what does this 
way look like? As always, any help is more than welcome.

Best, Olaf

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