My Tomcat (7.0.42) is listening on port 7080 and I have this conf/tomcat-users.xml in (production server)

<role rolename="manager-script"/>
 <user username="myname" password="pwd"
if I use

curl -u myname:pwd http://localhost:7080/manager/text/reload?path=/myApplication

the response is--------------------------
   <h1>404 Not found</h1>
    The page you tried to access
    does not exist.
The Manager application has been re-structured for Tomcat 7 onwards and some of URLs have changed. All URLs used to access the Manager application should
    now start with one of the following options:
      <li>/manager/html for the HTML GUI</li>
      <li>/manager/text for the text interface</li>
      <li>/manager/jmxproxy for the JMX proxy</li>
      <li>/manager/status for the status pages</li>
    Note that the URL for the text interface has changed from
    &quot;/manager&quot; to
    You probably need to adjust the URL you are using to access the Manager
application. However, there is always a chance you have found a bug in the Manager application. If you are sure you have found a bug, and that the bug has not already been reported, please report it to the Apache Tomcat team.
on my local machine all goes well (same tomcat version but on port 8080), can't figure what is different on production server... where can I take a look?

Some release ago (tomcat 7.0.x sorry, I can't be more precise) all was well also on production server. Maybe i did something wrong during an update.

thank you

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