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On 10/23/13 9:07 AM, Chris Arnold wrote:
> Hi Matt,
>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>> You probably want to be using ServerAlias here, iirc..
> Changed back to ServerAlias
>> #This rewrites https://share.anydomain.tld to our alfresco
>> server RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^share\. RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
>>>> Okay, I'll take a bite at the obvious.  Your vhost is running
>>>> on *:80, and your mod_rewrite condition only triggers >>>for
>>>> https; is your httpd actually serving https on port 80?
> No, that is a copy/paste typo on my part.
>> RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [P] 
>> RedirectMatch ^/$ /share/
>>>> I sort of doubt that this combination of rewrites and
>>>> redirects is going to do what you want.  If the RedirectMatch
>>>> >>>fires (I'm not positive it would), it would send a 302 to
>>>> /share/, which would then get proxied to /share/share/ on
>>>> >>>your app server.  (This is the type of setup I typically
>>>> find mod_proxy much easier to work with vs mod_redirect,
>>>> >>>but this is all OT for this list..)
> I agree with you on OT. I am trying to determine if this is a
> tomcat issue or an apache issue. A few months back, i asked how to
> go about accomplishing this and i was instructed to config tomcat
> is this manner:
> add to httpd.conf = # mod_jk Include
> /opt/alfresco/tomcat/conf/jk.conf
> jk.conf = <IfModule mod_jk.c>
> JkWorkersFile /opt/alfresco/tomcat/workers.properties JkLogFile
> /var/log/alfresco/mod_jk.log JkShmFile /var/log/alfresco/shm
> # Log level to be used by mod_jk JkLogLevel error
> # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing
> WEB-INF <Location "/share/WEB-INF/"> #AllowOverride None deny from
> all </Location>
> </IfModule>
> workers.properties = # Define two status worker: # - jk-status for
> read-only use # - jk-manager for read/write use 
> worker.list=jk-status worker.jk-status.type=status 
> worker.jk-status.read_only=true
> worker.list=jk-manager worker.list=worker1 
> worker.jk-manager.type=status Plus all the other properties inside
> the file that i wont posted here. Then made an apache vhost file
> like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin email@address ServerName
> share.server.name
> JkMount /share|/* worker1 RedirectMatch ^/$
> http://share.server.name/share/
> </VirtualHost>
> This worked for the 1 share.domain.tld so i made other vhosts for
> the other share.domain.tld. The other share.domain.tld's do not
> work using mod_jk. So i am trying to determine if i need to undo
> the mod_jk config and setup straight vhosts. I am using mod_proxy
> with apache

mod_proxy_ajp and mod_jk are roughly equivalent though with wildly
differing configuration syntax. Also, mod_jk has quite a few
additional options that have made it always the right choice for me.

Using mod_rewrite seems completely unnecessary.

Something that you are doing that complicates your configuration is
trying to map / on httpd to /share on Tomcat. Why not map / to / ? All
you have to do is re-name your webapp from whatever.war to ROOT.war
(note capitals are required, even on case-insensitive filesystems).

With that simplified configuration, you need only do:

   JkMount /* workerX

for mod_jk or

   ProxyPass / ajp://tomcat-host:tomcat-port/
   ProxyReversePass / ajp://tomcat-host:tomcat-port/

for mod_proxy_ajp. Or, use mod_proxy_http by using an http:// URL
instead of ajp://.

- -chris
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