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On 11/27/13, 11:18 AM, Dave Pawson wrote:
> Scenario. Tomcat install on Linux, wired to router. Windows 7
> connected to router via wifi.
> from windows.
>> ping ip.address     no problem

Which IP address? The local one or the public one of the router? I
suspect the former.

> http access to tomcat from windows. Nothing telnet access to tomcat
> ip port     Nothing
> wired access to tomcat from a.n.other  no problem

You mean when you try to reach Tomcat's HTTP port from a machine
hard-wired on the network using the local IP, it works fine?

To summarize, you can ping from anywhere but HTTP only works when you
use a hard-wired client? Odd.

What if you hard-wire the Windows box?

> I've got Zone alarm on the windows box.

Does it have any rules concerning outbound traffic? It might be
blocking lots of stuff to the local network.

> I think I have set it to pass through for 'trusted' zone on my
> local net.

Okay, maybe not.

Some routers have AP-isolation features where the WiFi clients can
only get to the "outside" of the network, and can't contact local
machines. But since you can ping the local machine that seems to rule
that out.

> Can anyone think of more 'blocks' to seeing the server please?

As far as the Linux machine is concerned, there is no difference
between a WiFi and hard-wired client, as long as they are in the same
IP range. I'm not sure you could configure iptables to restrict based
upon that criteria alone. Is iptables running? What rules does it have?

Windows has a built-in firewall, but I believe it's configured out of
the box to allow anything to call-out to port 80. I'm not sure about
8080. If you have ZoneAlarm, does that mean you have 2 software
firewalls in the mix on that machine? You may want to check *both*
their settings.

Finally, the router can do weird things, too. Check your settings for
anything "restriction-related".

- -chris
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