I have discovered that under the conf/localhost and webapps directories, all of 
the release directories and xml files can be removed, leaving just the 
application(s) you want running. I could b wrong but I think this also closes 
some possible security issues, besides keeping a smart-cookie from playing with 
the examples ...

However I am totally unclear which (if any) java pieces need to be on a 
distribution machine. Obviously a source machine needs the Java JDK. On a 
distribution machine, apache compiles JSP code initially so it needs something.

One person told me the JRE should be enough, but another said that 
Apache/Tomcat actually comes with it's own compiler, and yet another says to 
have the JDK.  On my Fedora-18 distribution (before I put in the JDK), there is 
at least one java compiler (/etc/alternatives/javac).

So do we need the JRE or the JDK or can Tomcat work without either on a 
non-sofware development box???

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