Getting tomcat the user/group to start did not turn out too hard.
   changed permissions of everything under apache to tomcat:tomcat
   then changed all permissions of all things under webapps to me (ray:staff)
  make the S95tomcat script (start/stop/restart SYSV style) "su tomcat  
start/stop command"

So tested and worked fine (well I had to fix some directory permissions in one 
of the apps - tomcat coucl not read, but that was not hard to find and fix.

Wrote a tomcat.start systemd file:

Description=The Jakarta Apache/Tomcat Server

ExecStart=/local/bin/S95tomcat start
ExecReload=/local/bin/S95tomcat restart
ExecStop=/local/bin/S95tomcat stop


then linked and started

systemctl link  /local/bin/tomcat.servic
systemctl start tomcat

WORKS fine - so does restart and stop

I MUST MANUALLY START IT:  sudo systemctl start tomcat

I put some logging and see that when the system shutsdown the tomcat:stop 
script is run
but it does not start it.

Anyway, this is equivalent to my original rc.local invokation of S95tomcat 
start not working in the 32 bit world, but now it is in the 64 bit world too.

Glad that this is no longer running root, but the systemd problem is not one 
for this group - so I will ask somewhere else.

S95tomcat basically invokes the catalina startup and shutdown scripts with a 
lot of local cleaning and some other required processes coming up and down as 

Posting the tomcat.service script for those interested.

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 5:55 PM, Ray Holme <> wrote:
OK, the init.d script was probably very old and it looks like I need to learn 
systemd control.

Did not check apache/logs as there was no sign the script ran, thanks will look 
there too.

yes built and installed mod_jk - the app works fine when I do get it going, yes 
running SELinux

so - time to dig into systemd scripts (after working with Unix BSD and Sys5 for 
years, I guess I am too used to doing things the old way. argh!!!

>My approach would be the following:

>1. Create an unprivileged user to run Tomcat
>2. Install Tomcat from for this user
>3. Create a systemv init script - use tomcat-systemv contents as a guide
>4. Wrap the init script in a service file.
>5. Use systemctl enable or disable as other systemd services

>The init script for Tomcat is pretty ugly - mine's around 575 lines for 
Tomcat 6 or 7 and CentOS 6.5. The scripts are pretty defensive, which 
accounts for most of the length.

1-3 are DONE. Yes my script is not quite that long but it is VERY defensive.
Time to wrap it in systemd and learn that.

Thanks for the pointers.

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 3:26 PM, Mark Eggers <> wrote:

Some inline and some at the end:

Note, this is almost all off-topic, since it concerns system 
administration and not Tomcat.

Note, I'm also comparing this to Fedora 19. Fedora 18 should be EOL in 
about 5 weeks.

On 12/15/2013 7:51 AM, Ray Holme wrote:
> I have a rc.local file setup to auto start tomcat and httpd under fedora 18 
> boot.
> It works fine on my 64 bit system (and a couple others for a friend)
>    but there MUST BE a sleep before bringing up httpd (for some reason I 
> start routine in /etc/init.d/rc.local
>     S95tomcat start
>     (sleep 10; S96httpd  start) &
>     date > /tmp/last_start
> stop routine
>     S96httpd stop
>     S95tomcat stop
>     date > /tmp/last_stop            # not meaningful unless testing rc.local 
>as boot wipes /tmp
> for the record S96httpd is a link to /etc/init.d/httpd

There is no /etc/init.d/httpd script on Fedora 19. Where did you get 
this script?

>             and S95tomcat is a script I wrote which does some extra things 
>besides calling the
>                 official release apache/tomcat up/down scripts
> I also have a portable 32bit fedora 18 box. After installing all the pieces, 
> I have tomcat/httpd working fine, BUT
> they WILL NOT START FROM THE BOOT up like the 64 bit systems do.

Don't do this.

Fedora 19 uses systemd. The HTTPD package comes with a
/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service file that works just fine to 
control Apache HTTPD.

> I have tried putting more and longer sleeps in place (before tomcat as well 
> as httpd). All to no avail.
>    (after logging into the desktop as me and becoming root with "su") in a 
>command tool
> The only visible difference I have found is in the httpd log
> Tomcat's failure is lost or I have not found it yet (yes I looked in 
> /var/log/messages where I would expect it).

Any logging should happen in catalina.out (unless you've done some 
changes to a stock Tomcat). That location is dependent on where / how 
you've installed Tomcat.

> --- so here is the /var/log/httpd/error_log after a boot - not sure if the 
> first two lines are errors, but the third is
>    (timestamps shortened up for this note)
> [12/15/2013] [core:notice] [pid 1686] SELinux policy enabled; httpd running 
> as context system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0
> [12/15/2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 1686] AH01232: suEXEC mechanism enabled 
> (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
> [12/15/2013] [jk:emerg] [pid 1686] Error in reading worker properties from 
> '/etc/httpd/conf/'
> AH00016: Configuration Failed
> ----- and now for the AFTER I boot and run "rc.local start" as root - note 
> line 1 has different RUNTIME PERMISSIONS
> [12/15/2013] [core:notice] [pid 2302] SELinux policy enabled; httpd running 
> as context unconfined_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
> [12/15/2013] [suexec:notice] [pid 2302] AH01232: suEXEC mechanism enabled 
> (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
> [12/15/2013] [auth_digest:notice] [pid 2303] AH01757: generating secret for 
> digest authentication ...
> [12/15/2013] [lbmethod_heartbeat:notice] [pid 2303] AH02282: No slotmem from 
> mod_heartmonitor
> [12/15/2013] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 2303] AH00163: Apache/2.4.6 (Fedora) 
> mod_jk/1.2.37 configured -- resuming normal operations
> [12/15/2013] [core:notice] [pid 2303] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/httpd'

Looks at first glance like an SELinux problem. Do you have SELinux 
enabled? Hopefully you do. If you're using an old / custom script for 
HTTPD, then it may or may not account for SELinux.

Also, how did you install mod_jk, and what is the content of your file?

BTW, I normally put in /etc/httpd/conf.d instead of 
the main /etc/httpd/conf.

> --------------
> So I am guessing here below - anyone please correct.
>    Either
>     a) the permissions are critical between the two runs (if so, how to set 
>in rc.local)
>         but ( again ) NO sign of apache tomcat being up either
>       or
>     b) something else is still coming up on the system as both tomcat AND 
>httpd fail originally
>         but later after I login and become root, the system is stable and up 
>they come manually
> Workarounds I see for now:
>     a) use 64bit machines only
>        or
>     b) manually start tomcat and httpd every time I boot
>       or
>    c) some daemon process is still initializing and I need to ensure that it 
>is done
> What the HAY???? Wisdom appreciated!

OK, so the following is an outline of how I would run Tomcat as a 
service on Fedora.

Since around Fedora 16, Fedora has been moving to systemd instead of the 
old System V init scripts. You should no longer use the init method of 
starting a new service. Instead, use a systemd file to control services.

For Tomcat, this means one of two things:

1. Use jsvc and wrap that startup script in a systemd service file
2. Write your own init.d script and wrap it in a systemd service file

My approach would be the following:

1. Create an unprivileged user to run Tomcat
2. Install Tomcat from for this user
3. Create a systemv init script - use tomcat-systemv contents as a guide
4. Wrap the init script in a service file.
5. Use systemctl enable or disable as other systemd services

The init script for Tomcat is pretty ugly - mine's around 575 lines for 
Tomcat 6 or 7 and CentOS 6.5. The scripts are pretty defensive, which 
accounts for most of the length.

The systemd service files look pretty easy to write, based on looking at 
the httpd.service file in /usr/lib/systemd/system.

I've not done this, since I only use Fedora systems for development 
platforms. I start / stop Tomcat manually, normally from within an IDE. 
All of my other systems are currently CentOS 6.5, and those systems use 
the System V init scripts.

. . . . just my two cents

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