On Dec 31, 2013 3:15 AM, "Maarten van Hulsentop" <maar...@vanhulsentop.nl>
> Hello,
> We are using Tomcat to host a number of web applications as a uniform
> solution. We trying to implement something that seems to be an odd
> requirement, evh it is really a use case for us.
> We would like to define a single [default] error page for all web
> applications residing on this Tomcat instance. After some experimentation
> and googling around, it seems that there is no clear-cut solution for
> I see a few options;
> - Let the global conf/web.xml define error pages for all web applications
> at once. However these are always relative to the web application context,
> and require every web application to pack the error pages again, which is
> duplicate of resources and defeats the DRY principle.

I asked a question similar to this a while back regarding JSF templates.

If you pick a location to share this resource among all web apps, then your
web apps aren't self contained.

The solution is in your build / deploy process.

If you want to ignore that advice, Tomcat 8 now has webAppMount, if want to
go there.  I still haven't had a chance to explore that option.


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