You brought up a good point that I didn't even think of.
Since the text is written out to response using a PrintWriter I would
have to use some type of stream output for the images.

I created another servlet just to try and display the images.
I got as far as retrieving them from the database in a DatabaseImage
class and them returning them to a new servlet to display them.

I get an sql error in the DatabaseImage class when I get to the return
statement that says I need to be connected to the server(whatever that

Anyway, thanks for your help.
I will keep the list posted as to my progress.

David Smith wrote the following on 5/17/2006 2:56 PM:
> Images are separate resources from the HTML their <img..../> tag is
> spec'd in.  I'd say write your table out with the <img ... /> tag
> specifying a URL to an image serving servlet.  Then put together a
> simple servlet that will handle those requests and stream the
> appropriate data to the client.
> An example: <img src="/webapp/path/to/servlet.jpg?recId=3432234"/>
> The servlet mapped to /path/to/servlet.jpg would use the id to retrieve
> the binary data and just stream it straight to the client via the response.
> --David
> Calvin Deiterich wrote:
>> Rhino,
>> That for getting back to me. I am coding with Java 1.5(or whatever
>> they call the latest version). I
>> have all the framework done and can create the table without the
>> images.
>> I would prefer not to have to write the image to the file system since
>> there could be many photos being displayed depending on the parameters.
>> I have a person class that has one Blob field image_data and five
>> String fields(name, location, etc.).
>> I need to write that image_data field to the response along with the
>> other fields in the servlet so that the image is displayed on the web
>> page.
>> Thanks
>> Calvin

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