Thanks Andre,

Whenever, the CRLFs are stripped, I find an extra line of script in the
page when I View source. The line was not in the original file test.html.

Here is the extra line inserted:

 <script src="

I have no idea how and when this get inserted. I set the browser to "Always
send Do Not Track header", yet it keeps coming. I have inserted a routine
to monitor all external scripts while I look for an appropriate forum that
could help me.


On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 7:34 AM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> Asok Chattopadhyay wrote:
>> It looks like, the problem may be caused due to some scripts being
>> inserted
>> into the page by an external domain. I am investigating farther on that
>> line.
>> Thanks everybody.
> Thank you anyway for writing this.  It allows us (and anyone else
> consulting the email archives later) to see some logical end to the issue.
> But I have to say that considering your earlier descriptions of the issue
> (a servlet just reading a local file and sending it), what you mention
> above doesn't quite fit.
> An "external domain" cannot just "insert some scripts" into a static page
> on the server, can it ?
> I'd be curious to see a real full and accurate explanation of the problem,
> later.
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