Cross-posted to users and dev list. Please reply on the users list.


There is the possibility of holding a Tomcat specific summit/workshop
after ApacheCon 2014 [1] (i.e. Thursday 10th). If there is interest, I
am happy to take the lead to organise this.

My current thinking is for a workshop that is organised along the lines
of a BarCamp [2] with a theme similar to that of the Tomcat users list
so each session is a discussion about an issue one or more users is having.

If space is available I'd like to follow this up on the Friday with a
hackathon where the primary focus is fixing any bugs identified on
Thursday and implementing any useful new features that were identified.

Before I approach the conference organisers, I'd like to know if there
is interest in this event and if folks are likely to attend. I'd expect
the BarCamp/Hackathon to be free but I don't know for sure at this
stage. Please reply to this thread if you would be interested in
attending such an event. Also, if you have ideas on how to might be
improved please reply with those too.




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