
I'm sorry for so kindly question - but needs experts advice...

We have a little dispute with my colleague about using this variables.

So: have Windows-box machine. On it - runing few different
Java-application, including Tomcat.

Needs to set memory for Tomcat other, than for all other Java-applications.

My proposal is set to System variables:

JAVA_OPTS "-Xmx1024M -Xms512M -XX:MaxPermSize512M"
CATALINA_OPTS "-Xmx4096M -Xms2048M -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M"

But, as he asserts - this is not correct way:

   - CATALINA_OPTS must NOT contain memory limits like "Xmx", "Xms" etc;
   - Java Garbage collector will work differently because JAVA_OPTS have
   another opts for memory then CATALINA_OPTS, so - this will worse Tomcat
   - and so on

His suggestion is to set JAVA_OPTS with memory limits exactly to Tomcat
startup script (not as system variable at all).

So, my question is: is it correct to set memory limits for Tomcat via
CATALINA_OPTS variable? If in system also present JAVA_OPTS - will it
have influence
on to Tomcat's perfarmance?


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