The purpose of this manual is to demonstrate MVC. In that case, the first
component that runs is the Controller, that is the servlet.
If I display an html form that redirects to the jsp, it's the html form
that has the control.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 10:18 PM, JB MORLA <> wrote:

> Here is the code I found in a manual written at the time of Tomcat 6:
> The code belongs to a servlet. There is no index.jsp file nor order.html
> file.
> String message;
>         /*
>          * Initializing the message to display : If one of the mandatory
> fields
>          * is not filled, then we display an error message
>          * else we display a success message
>          */
>         if ( name.trim().isEmpty() || address.trim().isEmpty() ||
> telephone.trim().isEmpty() || amount == -1 ) {
>             message = "Error - You did not fill all the mandatory fields.
> <br> <a href=\"createOrder.jsp\">Click here/a> to access the order form.";
>         } else {
>             message = "Order successfuly created !";
>         }
> So when I run the project with Tomcat 7 as target, the url :
> "createOrder.jsp" points to an empty form the first time.
> But Tomcat 7 returns an error stating that it can't find the jsp.
> If I comment out the if.. else test and add some pipes with afile.html and
> index.jsp, the application works.
> I don't know how to replace the test for Tomcat 7
> I'll try to give "name" a value like "ZZZZZ" and test it as you advise.
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 9:32 PM, Leo Donahue <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 1:10 PM, JB MORLA <> wrote:
>> > If there is a field called "username", in a form with url
>> "registration" ,
>> > how can I display the form the first time in Tomcat 7? (When the field
>> is
>> > empty)
>>  initialize the username property?
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