2014-03-20 20:55 GMT+04:00 Seema Patel <seema...@hotmail.com>:
> I think I have fixed the error I had.  I have downgraded to Java 6 update 45, 
> to see if it worked on there, but it didn't.
> I stayed with Java 6 to try and resolve the issue.  Basically in my 
> WEB-INF/web.xml file I have the following:
> <filter-mapping>
>         <filter-name>Auth Filter</filter-name>
>         <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>
>         <url-pattern>*.do</url-pattern>
>         <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher>
>     </filter-mapping>
> All requests go to the doFilter() function.  In Java 5.5.29 it wasn't sending 
> .jsp requests to the the doFilter, even though the above is in the web.xml 
> file.
> In Java 6 and above, it sends the .jsp file to be processed as well.  So if I 
> comment out or take out the  <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern> line, my code 
> works.
> I don't know what's changed in the Java 6 code for this to not work.
> Does anyone know why this is so I have an understanding of it?
> Thanks again to all that have helped with this, I know I threw out multiple 
> questions, just didn't want to leave anything out :)

I guess s/Java/Tomcat/ in several places above.

Support for multiple <url-pattern>s did not exist in old versions of
Servlet Specification, so only one of the patterns would work.

Support for <dispatcher> also did not exist in old versions, but
"REQUEST" is the default value here, so there is no difference.

You can validate your web.xml file against DTD or schema it uses in
any decent XML editor.

(You can enable validation of web.xml in any version of Tomcat 7  and later.
E.g., by setting

When validation is enabled, Tomcat will refuse to deploy an
application with broken web.xml

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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