On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <
chuck.caldar...@unisys.com> wrote:

> > From: James H. H. Lampert [mailto:jam...@touchtonecorp.com]
> > Subject: Detecting out-of-memory condition
> > We have noticed that after a certain amount of continuous uptime, Tomcat
> > eventually runs out of memory.
> Your app has a memory leak.

I agree. My app runs well after/during continuous uptime, but about a month
ago, a certain part of the app was used for annual reporting. Keep-alive
session is available when accessing/using that part of the app, and there
is a heck of amount of data being selected from database and/or stored in
@SessionScoped beans. A memory leak was exposed in that part of the app.
it's on my to-do list to review and refactor that part of the app to
avoid/fix the memory leak in the future.

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