Doug Tucker wrote:

1. Check whether their pages are accessible when you connect to Tomcat
directly without HTTPD.
Negative. Either way I get the tomcat "container is not available". You can see the error by going to:
The server.xml looks OK.
I am not sure that your mod_jk configuration is OK.

2. There are no "jsp-examples" and "servlet-examples" in Tomcat 6.
Hmm..I installed yum install tomcat* and it installed some packages that have them:

but no biggie, the fact that those work just lets me know tomcat is working and I don't have a complete failure.

3. Beware that in current mod_jk versions the mappings are local to a
HTTPD VirtualHost.
Can you elaborate or point me to the doc? I've read top to bottom the last 2 days of the 6 docs and must have missed this. Are you suggesting if I create a virtual host in apache to the doc root the default is currently pointing to (which is outside the userdir) it will help? I have a feeling I'm misunderstanding what you are saying. My apologies.

He means : read on about the "JkCopy*" directives under Apache httpd.

4. If you want Tomcat to be secure (and you do not trust your
students), you have to
This is just for a classroom assignment and will go away as soon as complete. Thanks so much for that info though.

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