Hi Shanti,
On 04/15/2014 09:56 PM, Shanti Suresh wrote:
I find Chris' example on writing filters to map to URL patterns for
response-time metrics relevant.  I would also like stall counts,
concurrent invocations etc.
What is a stall-count? How would you record "concurrent invocations",

So here is my understanding of these metrics:

So if a request for a servlet or JSP exceeds a given time interval, that
would be a stall.  The interval may depend upon the application.  In some
cases, 10 seconds would be considered a stall, some cases, 30 seconds would
be a stall.

This can be done enabling the access log and adding a %D on the log format string, here's
what i add to server.xml in tomcat 6:

        <!-- -->
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs"
               prefix="access." suffix=".log" resolveHosts="false"
               pattern='%h %u %t "%r" %s %b %I %D'
               buffered="false" />

then you get another log file, in this case access.DATE.log where the last entry is the time in milliseconds
it took to complete the request.

Than just do a:

cat access.DATE.log | awk '{ if ($NF > DURATION) { print $0 } }'

Hope you got the idea

Similarly, how many times a servlet is invoked in a given time period would
count as concurrent invocations.  Intervals used for the reckoning here may
be shorter - like 5 seconds - to make it more meaningful for concurrency

You can use the access log for this too



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