On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Leon Rosenberg <rosenberg.l...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Really, there are about 1 gazzillion valid ways to setup an application
> consisting of n number of tomcats and m number of jbosses, running in same
> or separate processes/vms/datacenters and doing stuff.

+1. Agreed

> Maybe you should first find out, what your deployment architecture is, and
> what your app does.
> Probably ps is a good way to start to find out what is really running on
> your machine and where.
+1. Figure out exactly what's running on your machine, and read
architectural documentation why that is. Hopefully, someone documented the
architectural decisions your team made.

Additional questions to answer:

1) How are you starting your JBoss? How are you starting your Tomcat?

2) How did you find out there are two processes, one for JBoss one for

3) Why do you have two Java processes, one for JBoss and one for Tomcat?

4) What do you deploy to JBoss, what do you deploy to Tomcat? Why?

5) What version of JBoss AS/EAP do you run?

This is definitely not a typical JBoss/Tomcat setup, there should be a
reason why you have both JBoss and Tomcat.

Here are possible confusion points:

(a) People often confuse Apache Tomcat with Apache HTTPD (webserver).
Apache HTTPD (webserver) is used often as a front for a JBoss, and it is a
separate process you run (not Java process, but "httpd/httpd.exe" compiled
natively for your platform).

(b) JBoss AS/EAP 5 had a component installed as a jbossweb.sar which is
something very similar to Tomcat 6.x codebase, together with server.xml,
and other configuration files. We often say "JBoss AS5/EAP5" contains
Tomcat instance as its servlet container.

(c) JBoss AS7/EAP6 doesn't have jbossweb.sar anymore, but has a subsystem
defined in JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml under "web"

Hopefully that helps!


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