> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Lombardi [mailto:brlom...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 11:33 AM
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Subject: Browsers suddenly start timing out when accessing port 80 of
> secure site
> We have a Java application running on Tomcat 7.0.52 on an Amazon Web
> Services EC2 Windows 2008 R2 server. Tomcat is setup so that our
> application is the root application and is accessible from port 80. The
> application and Tomcat are configured with SSL so that whenever anyone
> types in the url for the site (e.g. www.something.net) Tomcat will
> switch into HTTPS and use port 8443.
> This all works fine, but it seems that if for some reason a browser
> times out when accessing the site, it will never connect to the site
> again, and any attempt to connect using www.something.net will show
> that the connection has timed out. Yet if you put in the port number
> (e.g.,
> www.something.net:8443) it comes up right away. We have seen this
> happen on both Chrome (Version 35.0.1916.153 m) and Firefox (Version
> 30.0).
> On Chrome I was able to get the browser to connect to the site by going
> to Settings > Advanced > Clear Browser Data and clearing browser
> history, download history, cookies, and cached images and files. Once I
> did that the site came up immediately with www.something.net and switch
> to HTTPS as it is supposed to do.
> On Firefox, I get the same thing. It will not connect unless I add the
> port.
> I tried clearing cached web content, setting the cache limit to zero,
> and clearing offline web content. None of this worked. Re-installing
> Firefox did work.
> It took me several months to encounter this problem. But other users
> have encountered it right away (e.g., when setting up a new machine).
> Using browser development tools and Tomcat logs, I was able to see the
> following:
> .         When working chrome send get to url. Tomcat responds with
> HTTP 302
> and redirects to the secure port. The Tomcat localhost_access_log
> reflects these transmissions.
> .         When not working, Firefox sends get to url, but no response
> is
> returned. The Tomcat localhost_access_log is blank.
> Can anyone shed any light on this? Is this a Tomcat issue or something
> to do with the browsers? Is there anything I can look for in the logs
> that may help?
> Bruce

Sounds like a browser issue to me, Bruce, unless you've got something else in 
your topology that could be causing the issue. Say a proxy, for instance? Also, 
are you sure on the subsequent attempts that your URL starts off with http:// 
and not https://.  It's a pretty easy detail to overlook.

And on a just curious basis:  Why redirect to 8443 instead of the standard 
HTTPS port of 443? Then you wouldn't need the port number in the URL.

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