
For the past 4 years we has been working with a 'stable' configuration in
which we put APACHE in front of TOMCAT7 (previously Tomcat6) with mod_jk
connector. We usually serve high traffic sites with about 7000 to 10.000
concurrent users per box (8gb RAM / 4 vcpu) (50.000 active users total).

We are OK with the performance, but sometimes we notice Tomcat stops
responding normally while there are at least 2 full CPU left to be consumed
(JAVA memory is fine).

This is the configuration we use for the connector:

 <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" address=""
emptySessionPath="true" redirectPort="8443" maxThreads="1024"
minSpareThreads="32" enableLookups="false" request.registerRequests="false"

I have a couple of questions:
1) should we set a particular connector or let Tomcat7 decide? I understand
using protocol="AJP/1.3" the auto-switch kicks in. But, for non-SSL high
concurrency sites maybe is best to fixed on APR?

2) how many THREADS can we have? can we go beyond the 1024?

3) is there any advantage on using processorCache?

4) We are not defining a CONNECTION TIMEOUT not a KEEP ALIVE. Any advice on
this one? The average user session is 7 minutes.

Thanks for the help!

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