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On 8/13/2014 5:32 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Mark,
> On 8/13/14, 1:52 AM, Mark Eggers wrote:
>> On 8/12/2014 8:45 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>> Neil,
>>> On 8/12/14, 6:01 PM, Neil Aggarwal wrote:
>>>> Up until now, I have always run Apache in front of Tomcat. I
>>>> am wondering if I should change to using Tomcat as a
>>>> standalone server.
>>>> My concern is how to use multiple virtual hosts with a single
>>>>  SSL instance running on the standard https port.
>>>> With httpd server, I can access my webapp using the directory
>>>>  name in the URL.  For example, if I have an app called
>>>> app1, it uses URLs that look like this: 
>>>> http://www.app1.com/app1/index.html 
>>>> https://ssl.example.com/app1/index.html
>>>> If I have another app, it would use urls like this: 
>>>> http://www.app2.com/app2/index.html 
>>>> https://ssl.example.com/app2/index.html
>>>> This is because mod_jk will forward anything with the app
>>>> name as the first part of the URL to Tomcat.
>>>>> From what I am reading in the documentation, Tomcat uses
>>>>> the hostname
>>>> to determine the webapp to use.  That won't work since they 
>>>> need to use the same hostname in ssl mode.
>>> Tomcat uses both hostname + path to determine where the request
>>>  should go: if you have multiple virtual hosts, then /foo
>>> might map to two different virtual hosts depending upon the
>>> Host header (or URL, which generally agree with each other).
>>> The only complication TLS adds is that a certificate often only
>>>  has one single hostname in it, and the server can only bind to
>>>  "all interfaces" on a single port (e.g. 443) a single time.
>>> Thus, administrators often have to pick a certificate that will
>>> work for everyone.
>>> As you have mentioned, SNI offers a way around this: the client
>>>  can notify the server which host they are attempting to
>>> contact and the server can reply with the preferred certificate
>>> for that host. I don't believe Tomcat has direct support for
>>> SNI, though Java 7+ should be able to handle it if the server
>>> software (Tomcat in this case) is capable. I haven't looked
>>> into how it can be done, but at this point, Tomcat should
>>> probably include this feature, at least for JSSE.
>>> There are other ways to get around this, including using 
>>> wildcard TLS certificates, binding to different network 
>>> interfaces to get s unique interface/port combination for each 
>>> certificate, etc.
>>> Tomcat /can/ be used, here, but it currently takes some 
>>> creativity.
>>> -chris
>> Chris,
>> Does Java 7 have server side support for SNI? I had this
>> discussion on the list a while back, and I think we came to the
>> conclusion that SNI was not supported. I'll have to dig through
>> my archives and the public archives to make sure I'm not
>> mistaken.
>> Ah no - server side SNI is not available until Java 8. I don't
>> know if Tomcat 8 can take advantage of that or not (haven't
>> looked at the code). However Tomcat 7 plus Java 7 equals no
>> server side SNI.
> It looks like it's possible to hack it, but it looks like a 
> non-trivial effort: 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15100386/java-support-for-server-name-indication-sni-in-server-role
This looks more like a POC than something that would be supportable in
a production environment. The second link indicates as much.

> (See the links in the first answer)
>> You're stuck with fronting Tomcat with something like Apache
>> HTTPD and using a SAN cert. This is what we currently do in
>> production. Later versions of Apache HTTPD support SSL named
>> virtual hosts (with a little care).
> Yeah, I read the prior correspondence between you and markt and
> saw that was your conclusion. A second problem with Tomcat is the
> lack of support for SNI through tcnative/APR/OpenSSL. At some
> point, maybe I'll try to figure out how to do SNI with OpenSSL and
> do all the plumbing through the Java code.

That would be really interesting and useful. It won't solve my
original constraint (browser / OS combinations that don't support
SNI), but it would position me to move to a Tomcat-only stack when
that requirement is relaxed.

> -chris

. . . just my two cents
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