On 13/08/2014 19:00, Dennis Longnecker wrote:

> I changed the web.xml as described. I delete delete the work directory and 
> restarted the web server. 

OK. That should fix one set of errors.

> These files reside in the /external-references directory under webappl.


> The main purpose is to display files in the different directories. In the 
> /external-references/META-INF there is a file called context.xml, and it has 
> a single line that says: <Context docBase="C:\WikiShare" reloadable="true"/>

Hmm. I think I know what is going on but I want to make sure I give you
the correct information. Please provide the full paths for all of these
locations along with the full path to your Tomcat installation.


> So if someone types in http:/devwiki:8080/external-references/docs/fred.txt, 
> it is suppossed to display the file in c:\WikiShare\docs\fred.txt. However, 
> when I do that, I get: 
> HTTP Status 404 - /external-references/docs/fred.txt 
> type Status report 
> message /external-references/docs/fred.txt 
> description The requested resource is not available. 
> The only log entry is in localhost_access_log is: 
> - - [13/Aug/2014:10:57:05 -0700] "GET 
> /external-references/docs/fred.txt HTTP/1.1" 404 1058 

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