Thank you for the reply, I filed a defect for Tomcat 7:

I managed to pass through the failure by setting
useDelegatedCredential=false in the JNDIRealm, but still I think that it is
important to find a solution for this, since if it works, it should provide
stronger authentication to LDAP (using the delegated credential). I will
try to test this with file-based Kerberos credential cache to see if
Tomcat/Ldap would be able to find the needed TGT there and succeed with
Kerberos auth to LDAP.


2014-09-26 1:44 GMT+03:00 Konstantin Kolinko <>:

> 2014-09-26 2:24 GMT+04:00  <>:
> > Hello everyone,
> >    I'm successfully using Tomcat 7.0.55 configured with Spnego
> > authentication against Active Directory running Windows 2008 Server and
> Java
> > However, after switching to Java 1.8.0_20, authentication does
> not
> > work anymore, Tomcat logs the following error message:
> >
> > <....>
> >
> > Tomcat is configured according to the "Windows Authentication How-To"
> > document, I'm attaching the krb5.ini, jaas.conf and server.xml that
> contains
> > the JNDIRealm definition.
> I am seeing only log.txt and server.xml, so at least two other files
> are missing. Sending attachments to this mailing list is discouraged,
> as the mailing list software is configured to remove ones that it does
> not recognize.
> I acknowledge your report as well-written and valid one, so please
> file it into Bugzilla. You may upload the files there.
> Best regards,
> Konstantin Kolinko
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