Sorry for the but information or no information at all provided.
What I'm trying to achieve is that when deploying my app on tomcat, this
will take the context from the META-INF/context.xml and deploy it with that
path(context) that's different from the name of the war.
>From the documentation I get that disabling autoDeploy and deployOnStartup
should do the job, but with that configuration tomcat won't deploy anything
at all, not even the apps already deployed in the webapps directory.

Lets say my war filename is myapp.war but the context is
/ws/test/application/2.3/,  Is it possible for tomcat to take that context
and deploy the app with that context? how?

- José

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <> wrote:

> > From: Jose Monreal []
> > Subject: Tomcat 7 deployments context
> > Using Tomcat 7.0.56 I'm trying to deploy my applications (WAR) using the
> > context in the META-INF/context.xml, without luck.
> What exactly have you set in your context.xml?  What exactly does or does
> not happen?
> > I've been reading the documentation and can't find a way to do this, even
> > though the documentation says its possible.
> To do what?
> > What I'm getting as the context is the name of the WAR.
> Which is precisely what you should get and the documentation clearly
> states that.
> > Is this possible to do?
> Is what possible to do?
> You've provided essentially no information about what you're trying to do,
> what you've attempted, and what the results were.  We're not mind readers.
>  - Chuck
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