To the question, the external program is sending messages to the
webpage through the websocket server on the page. Where as the webpage
is the gui and the external java program is the guts of the gui which
does what you want when a button is pressed on the gui.

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Jason,
> On 12/11/14 9:07 AM, Jason Ricles wrote:
>> I am currently using tomcat 7.0.57 to host a website for the
>> purpose of having a websocket serverdeployed with the page for the
>> purpose of communicating between an external java program and the
>> webpage.
> The "web page" (i.e. servlet) is running an external Java program, or
> the external Java program is trying to access a "web page" (i.e. servlet)?
>> I would like to write some unit test to test that the integration
>> between the external java program and the webpage. I have however
>> had trouble finding what is the best way to do this (all i could
>> find was on when you are using servlets in tomcat).
> In a Java web application server (like Tomcat), everything boils down
> to a servlet in the end (unless a Filter takes over, first, and
> provides a response).
>> Would j-unit be able to run test to verify that the integration
>> between the webpage and the external java program is implemented
>> correctly, or is j-unit unable to test using a tomcat webserver?
> Tomcat's source package includes hundreds of test cases, written using
> junit.
>> If it is unable to run test with the tomcat webserver, what unit
>> testing tool is able to that is able to run on a linux machine?
> Junit works great. Get Tomcat's source package and look under the
> /test directory for .java files. There are lots of them.
> - -chris
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