No no, it goes Website (GUI) ----> ws server ------> external java program

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Jason,
> On 12/11/14 10:03 AM, Jason Ricles wrote:
>> To the question, the external program is sending messages to the
>> webpage through the websocket server on the page. Where as the
>> webpage is the gui and the external java program is the guts of the
>> gui which does what you want when a button is pressed on the gui.
> Uh... what?
> External program -- ws:// --> "page" --> executes Java program ?
> - -chris
>> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Christopher Schultz
>> <> wrote: Jason,
>> On 12/11/14 9:07 AM, Jason Ricles wrote:
>>>>> I am currently using tomcat 7.0.57 to host a website for the
>>>>> purpose of having a websocket serverdeployed with the page
>>>>> for the purpose of communicating between an external java
>>>>> program and the webpage.
>> The "web page" (i.e. servlet) is running an external Java program,
>> or the external Java program is trying to access a "web page" (i.e.
>> servlet)?
>>>>> I would like to write some unit test to test that the
>>>>> integration between the external java program and the
>>>>> webpage. I have however had trouble finding what is the best
>>>>> way to do this (all i could find was on when you are using
>>>>> servlets in tomcat).
>> In a Java web application server (like Tomcat), everything boils
>> down to a servlet in the end (unless a Filter takes over, first,
>> and provides a response).
>>>>> Would j-unit be able to run test to verify that the
>>>>> integration between the webpage and the external java program
>>>>> is implemented correctly, or is j-unit unable to test using a
>>>>> tomcat webserver?
>> Tomcat's source package includes hundreds of test cases, written
>> using junit.
>>>>> If it is unable to run test with the tomcat webserver, what
>>>>> unit testing tool is able to that is able to run on a linux
>>>>> machine?
>> Junit works great. Get Tomcat's source package and look under the
>> /test directory for .java files. There are lots of them.
>> -chris
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