On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 4:39 PM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> The call for papers is currently open for ApacheCon North America in
> April 2015. While I could submit some talks on what ever Tomcat related
> subject I fancy talking about, I'd prefer to talk about what you want to
> hear.
> So, with that in mind what Tomcat talk(s) would need to be on the
> schedule for you to be able to (convince your manager to let you) attend
> ApacheCon North America next year?

Can't attend ... but I'll throw out 4 fun [YMMV] ideas in case there is
interest by someone else ...
- Security year in review ... My heart bled POODLE and other reasons I was
kept up at night.
- On the road[map] again, possible inclusions in the next servlet spec and
how that will affect the next Tomcat release.
- Non-blocking IO. Is everything awesome?
- Getting the cat back in the bag. Deploying your apps in Tomcat on Docker.

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