For sure, do I need an account or something special?
Could you send me the wiki link?

2014-12-19 17:05 GMT+01:00 Christopher Schultz <
> Hash: SHA256
> Billy,
> On 12/19/14 4:46 AM, Billy Bones wrote:
> > hum.... OK many thanks for your hints, I got it, I understand what
> > is going on now. Ok, I now have a clean and multiple instances
> > running !!
> >
> > Thanks to everyone!
> >
> > @Mark Eggers: CentOS systemd units are not quite so far from the
> > Fedora ones. Personally I do love the way fedora and CentOS are
> > working but I have to confess that sometimes, and especially with
> > tomcat everything is a pain in the ass as they scatter the
> > components everywhere in the system without any (apparent) logics.
> >
> > WTH with all this /usr/share/blabla ??
> >
> > @Christopher: Many thanks for your advices, obviously it make more
> > sens to keep the catalina_base and derivate the catalina_home. I
> > love this method!!
> >
> > Once again, many thanks to everyone, I now have a clean and working
> > server!
> Great. Care to post your systemd script template to the wiki? It will
> likely help others trying to do the same thing.
> - -chris
> > 2014-12-18 19:46 GMT+01:00 Mark Eggers
> > <>:
> >>
> > On 12/18/2014 10:07 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> >>>> Billy,
> >>>>
> >>>> On 12/18/14 9:25 AM, Billy Bones wrote:
> >>>>> Ok soooo, here is a small update.
> >>>>
> >>>>> I've finally found what does this SERVICE_NAME mean, indeed
> >>>>> you have to copy the original unit, then add the Systemd's
> >>>>> directive named Environment like this:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> then you will copy the default tomcat config file found on
> >>>>> the /etc/sysconfig directory.
> >>>>
> >>>>> And as you supposed it Cristophe and Daniel, you then have
> >>>>> to copy the whole CATALINA_{HOME/BASE} or update the
> >>>>> previous config file to point out to another tomcat
> >>>>> installation.
> >>>>
> >>>> You should not have to copy the whole CATALINA_HOME.
> >>>> Instead, create a CATALINA_BASE (which is basically just a
> >>>> few directories and a few configuration files) for each
> >>>> service and then set the CATALINA_BASE environment variable
> >>>> to point to each one for each service, set CATALINA_HOME to
> >>>> point to where the full installation of Tomcat is (with no
> >>>> web applications installed in it), and each service should
> >>>> operate independently.
> >>>>
> >>>> So you should be able to have something like this:
> >>>>
> >>>> SERVICE_NAME=tomcat-one
> >>>> CATALINA_HOME=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.57
> >>>> CATALINA_BASE=/opt/tomcat/tomcat-one
> >>>>
> >>>> SERVICE_NAME=tomcat-two
> >>>> CATALINA_HOME=/opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.57
> >>>> CATALINA_BASE=/opt/tomcat/tomcat-two
> >>>>
> >>>> Then you configure /opt/tomcat/tomcat-(one|two) to have the
> >>>> configuration and applications you want.
> >>>>
> >>>> You should be able to start tomcat-one and tomcat-two
> >>>> independently of each other. I don't know exactly what
> >>>> systemd does with all of this, but once you end up calling
> >>>> with the right environment variables set, Tomcat
> >>>> will do the right thing.
> >>>>
> >>>> -chris
> >
> > Fedora 21 has a relatively nice systemd script for Tomcat. It's
> > designed for running multiple Tomcat instances.
> >
> > If you have a copy of Fedora 21 and yumdownloader (by installing
> > yum-utils), you can take a look at the system with:
> >
> > mkdir Temp cd Temp yumdownloader tomcat.noarch rpm2cpio
> > tomcat-7.0.54-3.fc21.noarch.rpm | cpio -idmv
> >
> > All of the files are then accessible in the Temp directory.
> >
> > I've never liked how Fedora / RedHat / CentOS scatter the
> > components all over the landscape. I'm thinking of adapting the
> > Fedora systemd scripts to work with Tomcats installed under a
> > particular user.
> >
> > The only issue seems to be that the SHUTDOWN_WAIT (time to wait in
> > seconds before killing the process) is documented not to work.
> >
> > Sadly, I have some truly misbehaving applications that sometime
> > need a kill -9 on the underlying Tomcat. Those misbehaving
> > applications are unlikely to be fixed.
> >
> > My init scripts take care of this by issuing an orderly shutdown
> > command, waiting up to SHUTDOWN_WAIT seconds (checking every
> > second), then issuing a kill -9 if the process still exists.
> >
> > . . . better late than never (mostly) /mde/
> >>
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