
On 1/13/15, 11:06 AM, "Christopher Schultz" <>

>Hash: SHA256
>On 1/13/15 1:10 PM, Peter Rifel wrote:
>> On 1/13/15, 6:32 AM, "Christopher Schultz"
>> <> wrote:
>> I was wondering, because there is an unfortunately situation with
>> session stickiness and long-lived clients where fail-over can cause
>> a large number of clients to switch to a particular server and
>> /stay there/ even if they have to re-login (when you'd likely
>> prefer that they get re-balanced to another node if they have to
>> re-login).
>> If you had a temporary failure of one node, perhaps the clients
>> were re-assigned to another node and they "stayed there" when the
>> failing node became available again. Those clients would stay there
>> until either their newly-assigned node failed, or they closed their
>> browser (assuming they are using cookies that live for the life of
>> the client, like JSESSIONIDs typically do).
>> After the weekend in your scenario, perhaps all your users
>> restarted their browsers (or computers) and thus were re-balanced.
>>> But shouldn't all sessions be replicated regardless of how
>>> stickiness is (or isn't) setup?
>Yes, they should. I was just considering a possible failure scenario.
>With completely distributable sessions and the DeltaManager, the whole
>cluster should stay in sync.
>>> I assume that the DeltaManager only replicates changes to the
>>> state of all sessions since its last replication.  Maybe if there
>>> was a hiccup in replication by one tomcat instance, the sessions
>>> that it created or extended would not have gotten replicated and
>>> then never made their way to the other instances until they
>>> expire on their own.
>If this happened, you should be able to see some indication in the log
>>> If this is the case, I may try and come up with a better method
>>> for monitoring the clustering state, unless anyone has any
>>> suggestions on how to fix this supposed hiccup.
>It seems reasonable to expect that the session count would be
>consistent across the cluster, at least over time (obviously, it could
>take a few seconds for the cluster to become consistent if you are
>watching very carefully).
>The logs contain no clues?

Both log4j and CATALINA_OUT on every instance make no reference to any
session related issues at the time that this started.

>How many nodes are in the cluster? 5? I know that DeltaManager's
>performance degrades as the number of nodes increases, but I think
>it's a linear performance drop, as opposed to anything polynomial. I'm
>not sure if 5 nodes ends up being the breaking point, especially given
>your load profile (which you didn't specify).

Yes, we have 5 nodes.  I may consider a different Manager if this becomes
more of an issue.

>When you get nodes out of sync, can you probe them to find out if
>those "extra" sessions might be expired, but not yet cleaned-up?

Yes I will try and dump the session id list the next time this happens and
do some debugging.  Hopefully its not during a weekend...

Thanks again for your help! I'll be back here again if I have any new info.


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