2015-01-18 2:00 GMT+03:00 Sean Dawson <seandawson2...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I mentioned in an previous question that newer releases of tomcat7
> (Windows) seems to be unpacking our war files to webapps when it wasn't
> doing that previously.  We were running fine prior to this and have
> encountered some issues replacing the war files with the corresponding
> webapps dir not being updated properly (so we usually just delete them
> prior to replacing the war).
> I found unpackWARs in server.xml but according to the documentation: "WAR
> files located outside of the Host's appBase will not be expanded." Which
> doesn't seem to be the case for us (we're outside, but being expanded) -
> unless I've misunderstood something.
> So I changed that to false and started tomcat, but got errors along these
> lines from our two wars...
> SEVERE: Unable to process Jar entry
> [com/google/gwt/thirdparty/guava/common/base
> /Platform.class] from Jar [jar:jndi:/localhost/admin/WEB-INF/lib/gwt-servle
> t-2.6.1.jar!/] for annotations
> java.io.EOFException
>         at
> org.apache.tomcat.util.bcel.classfile.FastDataInputStream.readInt(Fas
> tDataInputStream.java:145)

A known issue with FastDataInputStream  (57173). See the changelog.

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