-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 11:32 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: 1st time user

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Please bottom-post or mix your responses inside of the original message. It's 
much easier to read and the convention on this mailing list. I've re-formatted 
your message slightly. Please see below.

On 2/27/15 12:12 PM, Brian V. Casteel wrote:
>> -----Original Message----- From: Christopher Schultz 
>> [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] Sent: Friday, February 27,
>> 2015 11:02 AM To: Tomcat Users List Subject: Re: 1st time user
>> Brian,
>> On 2/27/15 11:32 AM, Brian V. Casteel wrote:
>>> I am wanting to set up Tomcat on my windows 2008 server and utilize 
>>> it with my page running on IIS.  However I don't event know where to 
>>> begin.  Can anyone help me out?
>> Do you have an application you want to deploy, or do you just want to 
>> use Tomcat as a web server?
>> Getting started is pretty easy. What have you read/done already?
> I haven’t done much of anything. I downloaded what I think is the 
> appropriate versions of tomcat 8 for my server, other than that I'm 
> incredibly lost.

You have a few options. For Windows users, perhaps the Windows Installer (one 
of the .exe downloads) is probably the easiest to use:
you'll get everything installed in a standard place (C:\Program Files) and it 
will also install the Windows Service that you can use to start/stop Tomcat.

If you download one of the ZIP packages, you can unzip it anywhere you want. 
Launching Tomcat from the command-line is often a little easier to troubleshoot 
when you are getting started. I can't remember if the startup scripts are or 
are not included in the .exe packages; I seem to remember them being missing in 
the past. I'm not prepared to download and install the .exe package right now 
just to check, though.

> And in response to the first half that message I have at least one  
> Java script I want to have on my webpage that is currently served up 
> by IIS.

Would you like to connect IIS to Tomcat, or do you want to use Tomcat instead?

I was hoping to connect IIS to Tomcat rather than migrate my pages

The thing that's usually most confusing to new users is that Tomcat isn't a 
traditional web server where you just point it at a directory (DocumentRoot in 
Apache httpd's parlance, not sure what it's called in
IIS) and serve files from it. Instead, everything is a "web application" which 
can be very simple -- just having a few .html files or whatever -- or it can 
have servlets, JSPs, and all kinds of other things that are more interesting 
than just static files.

Unfortunately, the "getting started" documentation in the Users' Guide is not 
great. There are whole sections of your local public library or bookstore 
devoted to the basics of Java web applications, so repeating all that stuff in 
Tomcat's documentation is kind of ... repetitive.

Understanding what a "web application" is, in terms of structure, is probably 
going to be the best time spent as you get started, here. Do a little bit of 
Googling and maybe to get a book on Java web applications and read some of the 
introductory sections.

O'Reilly's "Tomcat: The Definitive Guide" is fairly good, though it's based 
upon Tomcat 6 and so some of the specific configurations are a bit out of date, 
but if you are okay with a loose interpretation of those specifics, it's worth 
the read. The book is HUGE, so don't try to go read the whole thing before 
getting started.

Wrox's "Professional Java for Web Applications" is also good, though it moves 
very quickly and goes from covering "the basics" to ... well, everything else 
under the sun. It's also enormous, so don't think you have to read the whole 

The authors of both of those books do lurk on this mailing list, and no, I 
don't get paid if you buy their books (though I should consider asking for some 

So do a bit of reading and ask whatever questions you have, here. But don't ask 
this community to teach you how to write web applications because that will 
become tiresome for them. :)

Welcome to the community.

- -chris
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