hi today i have noticed that mod_jk took 20 seconds delay in sending the
request to backend tomcat servers from apache , lookslike the  request was
assigned to a tomcat 11and it has replicate the request to the other

here are my findings

Deal Finder request

* Apache request  access logs *

172.xxxxxx - - [27/Feb/2015:*02:28:14* +0000] "GET /xxxxx/deal-finder
HTTP/1.1" 200 15172 "-" "195.xxxx.xxx.xx, " - -

Mod_Jk  apache log

Mod Jk logs show that the request was assigned to tomcat live 11  but it
was reassigned to tomcat live 03 since it was down  so there might be delay
due to this

172.xxxxx [27/Feb/2015:*02:28:14* +0000] "GET /xxxxxx/deal-finder HTTP/1.1"
200 15172 20 *lb tomcat--11*     0 26712 12118     *tomcat-03* 0 820679
4  20.352845 –


*Tomcat access logs -  Delay of 20 sec  from mod JK *

172.xxx - - [27/Feb/2015:02:*28:34* +0000] 'GET /xxxxxx/deal-finder
HTTP/1.1' 200 15172 TP-Processor243
D45BF91DBAF9D2CBFFBC2D6B19D3CC61.tomcat-03 0.127

Tomcat response in 0.127 millseconds  quick

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