When we see these errors in the tomcat logs...

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

... we do a thread dump and examine the memory numbers, resulting in output 
such as the following...

PSYoungGen      total 95808K, used 22323K [0x00002aaac3770000, 
0x00002aaaca210000, 0x00002aaaca210000)
  eden space 82432K, 10% used 
  from space 13376K, 99% used 
  to   space 13376K, 0% used 
PSOldGen        total 177792K, used 144800K [0x00002aaab6210000, 
0x00002aaac0fb0000, 0x00002aaac3770000)
  object space 177792K, 81% used 
PSPermGen       total 120960K, used 65149K [0x00002aaaae210000, 
0x00002aaab5830000, 0x00002aaab6210000)
  object space 120960K, 53% used 

Which of those lines represents the heap space?


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